Elder Scott is ending his Mission here and heading back to Arizona-we will all miss him, he is a Great Missionary!!! The Primary Children sang a song to all the Fathers-thanks Luz and the all those special little spirits!!! It was also Ariana's Birthday-thanks to the Lang family for having us over!!!
Thanks everyone for such a nice Father's Day!!!! I think I might be getting one of those drum things called a Jing!!! I wonder if the Stand will come with it????
Lots of food-Wii games are fun-especially the Grizzly Bear hunt!!! No just kidding-everyone really enjoyed the Kareoke-including myself. Thanks to Brother Tollett for letting all of us in the Branch come and have fun at his house!!
Sister Egbert loves the Hydrangea flowers-all different colors. I really liked the Antic shop and especially the Carving of the Budha-not too far from our house!!
Sister Egbert is the best!!! It is always good to meet with the Younger Missionaries-we have a meeting with them-called a District meeting usually once a week.
It was quite a day-lots of rides that we just watched the younger Elders and Sisters have fun on. We basically stayed with the log flume and arial tram. Oh ya we went on the Hurricane roller coaster, the Merry go round and the flying air ballons.
Kameron will be 12 this Fall so the Branch conducted a Priesthood Preview for him and his family. The refreshments afterwards were very good-Thanks. Sister Egbert is standing on what is left of a huge Walnut tree. It was actually dark outside but the camera still picked it up pretty good.